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Teatralia Poster.jpg

Teatralia graphic image

Graphic image of the 2024 Teatralia Madrid International Theater Festival

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Illustrated guide to learning how to be on time

Día de Muertos

Día de Muertos

Personal project

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Illustrations for SABC magazine

Illustrations for the journeys "Otras maneras de habitar la tierra para justas socioecological transitions", organized by the magazine Soberanía Alimentaria, Biodiversidad y Culturas

Modular extra


Personal project


Hygge disc

Cover and interior illustrations for Aitor Regueiro's Hygge album

STX Palyback Poster

Playback Poster

Poster for the Playback competition organized by the Santutxu Festival Committee

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Andraizea T-shirt

Illustrated logo for T-shirts for Andraizea, Women's Association of Dima

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Personal project

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Nomadak Gaitun poster

Poster for the Nomadak Gaitun creative women's fair organized by the Dinagu Collective

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La Vacalloria illustration

Illustration for the story "La Vacalloria, una aldea abrazada a los cuidados" in the magazine Soberanía Alimentaria, Biodiversidad y Cultura

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UGL illustrated logo

Illustrated logo commissioned by the Hezten association for the Usurbilgo Gazte Leku

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Tortilla Mondays poster 

Poster for Tortilla Monday of La Manshon

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SABC magazine cover 

Cover of the magazine Soberanía Alimentaria, Biodiversidad y Culturas, about the use of new technologies

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Ttipi-Ttapa illustrated children's book

An illustrated children's book published under the Taupaka label

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A Fuego Personal project

Cenar Angustia Personal project

Zaldibar Enlighten Personal project


Txindola illustrated logo

Illustrated logo made for the Txindola Company

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CIEC series of engravings

A series of etchings, aquatints and drypoint prints made at the CIEC center in Betanzos

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Lokers "Piratear la Señal"

Design and illustration of the album "Piratear la Señal" by Lokers

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Rels Beer label

Illustration for the Santa Pau Ale Works brewery's Rels beer label


Beer 8B-Emakumeok

Illustration for the Beer 8B-Emakumeok produced in collaboration by Boga and Baias breweries

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Lokers demo

Design and illustrations of the Lokers group demo

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Ipuin Afaria booklet by Booktegi

Booktegi's Ipuin Afaria booklet cover and interior illustrations


We Are Armed with Feminist Self-Defense

Illustration commissioned by the Feminist Youth Network of Bilbao

+Personal projects


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Poster proposal 

Poster proposal for a hypothetical concert by the music group Tremenda Jauría

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